Palateless Dentures to Replace Regular Dentures
Swapping Regular Dentures for Implant Dentures Perfect for a row of missing upper teeth An upper denture with no plate coverage Alternative to conventional maxillary dentures For our patients who currently wear dentures, we know how tired you might be of your current prosthetic. But the prospect of palateless dentures that don’t rely on suction […]
How to Be Sure You Need a Bone Graft for Implants
Do You Really Need a Bone Graft? Has your dentist told you that you need a bone graft to be a suitable candidate for the dental implant procedure? Have you ignored missing teeth or been wearing dentures for years? Then, the chances of you needing a bone graft for implantation are extremely high. A necessary […]
Dental Implants vs Bridges
Which is Better for Missing Teeth? Dental Implants or Bridges? Dental bridges and dental implants are two reliable treatments to replace missing teeth. To answer the question immediately, dental implants are the best tooth replacement method. The bottom line is that dental implants replace the lost tooth root in the jaw, which prevents bone loss, […]
Full Mouth Dental Implants – Your Options
Full Mouth Dental Implants | Costs, Options, What to Expect As a clinic focusing on treating missing teeth, particularly total tooth loss, we provide various techniques that replace teeth across several cases. So, if you need a few teeth-replacing, a full arch, or even a full mouth, you have plenty of options. In this blog, […]
All the Costs Associated with Dental Implants
All The Costs to Expect with Dental Implants There’s no question that dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They are the closest replica of natural teeth, functioning like a regular tooth root. On top of this, they’re the most life-like prosthetic you could opt for and last up to 30 years […]
Are dental implants painful?
Does it hurt? Process: first appointment, two hours; second appointment, crown fitting, 1 hour max. Some injections can sting, but once the anaesthetic works, there is no pain during the treatment. Post-treatment, your gums can ache. The procedure is more intrusive than bridges. There is a little more drilling than fillings, but there is no […]
What are Immediate Implants?
Immediate Loading for Missing Teeth Replace teeth immediately after extraction. Over 20 years of experience replacing teeth. Thousands of implants placed. Flexible finance (0% interest) and 5-year payment plans. As a dedicated implant clinic, Dorset Dental Implants is always at the forefront of new, modern dentistry that solves missing teeth problems swiftly and effectively. We […]
Immediate vs Delayed Implants
Immediate Vs Delayed implants: Which option is best for you? Delayed implants work in the same way as immediate implants. The only difference is that there is a period between fixing the rod of the implant, and the placement of the porcelain denture onto it. The mouth is given between 3 and 6 months to […]
Facts & Figures
10 Dental Statistics You Need To Know Here at Dorset Dental Implants, we prioritise knowledge and understanding of our treatments above all else. This helps our patients to fully comprehend the procedures we offer and the advantages that our leading restorative dentistry options boast. “Very friendly, transparent and professional service, lovely clinic too.” Sarah Austin, […]
Dental Trauma: Restore your smile with teeth implants
Replacing missing teeth due to trauma, accident or sports injury Dental implants are often referred to as “cosmetic dentistry”. However, in reality, when teeth have been knocked out and eating or speaking clearly becomes an issue, then they cease to be a luxury. Dental implants are part of restorative dentistry, which means specialist dentists not […]