DDI (Dorset)

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Immediate Vs Delayed implants: Which option is best for you?

Delayed implants work in the same way as immediate implants.

The only difference is that there is a period between fixing the rod of the implant, and the placement of the porcelain denture onto it.

The mouth is given between 3 and 6 months to heal properly before the replacement tooth is inserted.

Whether you opt for an immediate or delayed implant will depend on your case, your oral needs and your preferences.

Here at Dorset Dental Implants, we have placed over 4,500 implants and restored the smiles of thousands of customers.


What’s the procedure?

  1. Your dentist will make an incision in your gum to reveal your jawbone
  2. The implant, a titanium rod, will be placed into your jaw
  3. When the rod has been placed, your dentist will stitch up your gum

Following the initial procedure, your mouth is given a few months to heal, and the rod is taken to your jawbone.

After the area has healed, your dentist will reopen your gum and screw in the implant to complete the procedure.

Flippers: Temporary teeth replacements

So many patients worry that with a delayed implant, they will have gaps for the duration of the healing process; however, this is not the case.

It is possible to wear a denture or dental flipper while you wait for your implant to heal.

Though many patients think an immediate implant is easier and more convenient, it is important to consider the long-term benefits of allowing the area to heal and osseointegrate.

What is a dental flipper?

A dental flipper is essentially a partial and removable denture which is often used as a temporary solution to missing teeth.

They are composed of an acrylic gum-coloured plate supporting a replacement tooth.

It works similarly to a retainer and often has clasps that hook around your other teeth to hold it in place.

These partial dentures are easy to wear, lightweight and easy to get used to.

You can also eat easily with your dental flipper in place, there is no need to remove it during the day.

They are easy to remove, and it is recommended that you take them out at night to clean and soak them.

Implant procedure

Dental flipper advantages

A dental flipper will ensure that you have a full smile throughout the whole procedure, even while you are awaiting the implants.

When the implants are replacing missing teeth at the front of the mouth, a flipper can be an effective temporary aesthetic replacement, so that you do not have to worry about the look of your smile while your implants.

Other benefits of dental flippers include:

  • Flippers will stabilise and support the surrounding teeth so that they are less likely to shift while you await your implant
  • They look and feel like a natural tooth
  • They can be prepared very quickly
  • They are easy to wear and clean
  • You can eat and drink with a flipper in place
  • Maintain chewing and biting function while you wait for your implants to be positioned

As the healing process usually lasts between 3 and 6 months, flippers are a convenient temporary tooth replacement which helps prevent infection and maintain all chewing and biting functions in the mouth.

Are implants worth the wait?

If you do not replace a missing tooth, there are several risks:

  • Jaw bone loss
  • Deterioration of facial structure
  • Teeth either side of the gap will loosen and shift
  • Changes to bite and chewing function
  • Infection
  • Gum disease/Periodontitis

There are so many reasons why you should replace a missing tooth to protect the overall structure and condition of your mouth.

The short-term process of getting implants makes the long-term benefits worth it!

Advantages of delayed implants:

  • The jaw and implant will be given time to heal and osseointegrate
  • High success rate
  • It avoids putting too much strain on your jawbone, encourages jawbone growth
  • Decreases the risk of infection
  • Avoids the body’s rejection of the implant
  • Cheaper procedure
  • No restriction on what you can drink or eat
  • A gleaming smile is preserved as the implants do not stain
  • Restore a natural-looking smile
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem

Restore your smile today:

If you are considering implants or any other dental treatment, talk to a dentist today.

Call us on 01202 973 300

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