DDI (Dorset)

Dental Trauma: Restore your smile with teeth implants

dental implants

Replacing missing teeth due to trauma, accident or sports injury Dental implants are often referred to as “cosmetic dentistry”. However, in reality, when teeth have been knocked out and eating or speaking clearly becomes an issue then they cease to be a luxury. Dental implants, in fact, are part of restorative dentistry, which means specialist […]

Loose Dentures

snap on dentures

Loose Dentures: How to fix the problem There is nothing more uncomfortable and embarrassing than dentures that move in your mouth while you eat or speak. Covering the mouth has become a habit for many patients who suffer from this problem. Many professional dentists agree that loose and unstable dentures are not a permanent option. […]

Bleeding Gums

single missing teeth

Have you found that each time you brush your teeth your gums bleed? Have you wondered why they are bleeding, swollen and inflamed? The answer might be gum disease, as these symptoms are an indication of gingivitis, a reversible condition. If left untreated however this condition could lead to much more serious complications that are […]

Can a tooth be saved

Healthy vs Unhealthy Gums If there’s one thing we all know, it’s that gums are pink, located in our mouth and hold our teeth together. In the dental world, gums (gingival) are actually a type of tissue that hold the teeth securely in place to protect the jawbone. Their purpose is to support teeth and […]

What options are available for missing teeth?

What options are available when you have missing teeth?

What can you do to replace missing teeth We founded Dorset Dental Implants to provide the community with access to reliable, experienced and personable dental implant experts, and meet the growing demands for implants and alternative cosmetic and general dentistry treatments. If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, we know this can affect […]

How important is it to treat missing teeth?

Consequences of missing teeth If you are having regular check-ups with your dentist, any issues as a result of decay in your teeth should be addressed before the need for extraction. However, in some cases, people do not visit their dentists regularly and as a result, they end up with teeth that have been so […]

All-On-4 Dental Implants: What’s the fuss about?

Dental implants available for patients in Southampton

Teeth in a day We understand that with ever-improving technological developments, it is hard to keep up with the number of cosmetic and general dentistry treatments on offer. At Dorset Dental Implants, we specialise in and offer multiple different dental implant treatments. One of the treatments we offer is ‘Teeth in a Day’ aka ‘All-On-4.’ […]

Weighing up the differences: Dentures VS Implants

Weighing up the differences: dentures VS implants

Dentures vs Implants If your teeth have been damaged by decay, trauma or injury, your dentist will offer you several solutions on the best way to treat your issue. However, it can sometimes be overwhelming to try and decide which treatment method is most suitable for your personal situation. We all want to have an […]

Which is most suitable for me: an implant or a crown?

For many patients, the idea of allowing a dentist to work on their teeth can be very troubling, and may even discourage a person from seeking dental treatment altogether.

Implants vs Crowns If your teeth have been affected by decay or trauma, your dentist may offer you a dental crown or an implant. The good news is that both processes are essentially pain-free. A dental implant ‘crown’ is an artificial tooth that replaces the natural tooth. The root is removed and replaced with a […]

The best way to care for your dental implants

Dental Implants Maintenance & Aftercare Guide Like all cosmetic dentistry treatments, the results and longevity of your treatment are dependent on two people: you and your dentist. We always promise to do the best on our part, but poor care will lead to damaged teeth, no matter how good of a job your dentist does. […]