DDI (Dorset)

We provide All-on-Four dentures for Poole-based locals

Dorset Dental Implants supply patients in Poole (BH1 postcodes) with the one of the UK’s most leading cosmetic dentistry treatments.

We are proud providers of expert dental care for those based in Poole and those in the surrounding areas.

We provide the best possible treatment for our loyal and new customers, who visit us from Bournemouth, Longfleet, Hamworthy and Oakdale.

How to get to us from Poole

If the practice is not walking distance from you, then we are easily accessible by bus, train or car.

Getting to us by car from Poole is less than a mile and will be roughly a five-minute drive.

We are based on Longfleet road just one minute away from all major bus routes, and we offer free onsite parking for those who do choose to drive (use postcode BH15 2DB).

If you wish to travel by train to Poole station which is just a five minutes walk from our front door.

Our address is 3 Longfleet Road.

Attesting to our successes and popularity, we have had patients visiting us from London and across Europe.

If you are driving to us from outside Poole, you can access the practice using the A35 and the A350.

What are All-on-Four dentures?

All-on-Four is a highly popular treatment for patients who currently wear dentures and are looking for alternative options.

Dr Philip McCauley our leading surgeon has been offering missing teeth solutions since 2002 and has a plethora of experience in fitting implants and other cosmetic dentistry procedures.

He oversees all implant treatments so you can be sure that you are in safe hands.

All-on-Four is one of the most effective and most popular treatments for patients who currently wear dentures and are looking for an alternative.

The Teeth Now treatment can be fixed and applied in one treatment, meaning you can say goodbye to your old dentures.

Why do patients in Poole choose us?

Dorset Dental Implants is one of the most popular clinics for patients in Poole, Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch, Ferndown and Southampton.

Patients choose us because we continue to deliver exceptional results at affordable prices, consistant exceptional standards and efficient procedure times. Refer to our testimonials here.

To find out more or book a free consultation meeting, get in contact at 01202 97 33 00.

Booking an appointment

Come in and see for yourselves…

We recommend coming into the practice and meeting us yourselves to get a better idea about the level of care and expertise we provide.

We can walk you through the dental implant process, show you our portfolio and help you to better understand our implant treatments.

To ensure your implants are successful we will ensure that your oral health is up to standard and will be able to hold and keep your tooth implant secure.

Book a consultation

The Benefits of Our Dental Implants

  • Improved teeth strength
  • Operate just like natural teeth
  • Can boost your confidence and improve appearance
  • Our implants look and feel like real teeth
  • Improved speech
  • Easy to maintain

Dental implants provide a reliable treatment to restore oral health whilst improving the aesthetics of your mouth.

You can book an appointment with us today or pop into our dental clinic in Poole.

Contact us on 01202 97 33 00.