DDI (Dorset)

Same-day teeth, also known as all-on-4 dentures or teeth in a day, allows you to completely transform your smile in a single day.

It is a popular option for those who have previously tried dentures and are now seeking a more secure and fixed option.

While same-day teeth can be created and fitted in a day, it is important to remember that the procedure is not as straightforward as veneers, which are placed on top of the tooth (or teeth).

With all-on-4, four dental implants will be fitted into your jawbone to keep your new fixed teeth in place and comfortable.

What happens before the same-day teeth procedure?

Before any work is done on your new, custom-designed teeth, you will have an initial consultation with Dr Philip McCauley.

Missing teeth can cause several problems over time. Tooth loss can make the remaining teeth more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease, thereby threatening their long-term prognosis. Tooth loss can also decrease your biting force as well as putting the remaining teeth under more bite pressure. More importantly, the bone that was there to support the tooth rapidly gets resorbed away by the body.

However, if your gums are in good enough shape to accommodate them, dental implants can help to protect your gums.

In order to prepare your new teeth, your dentist will create x-rays and appropriate scans of your mouth to ensure the final fit of your permanent restoration will be perfect. At Dorset Dental Clinics, we have state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging to design your brand new smile.

What should I expect from the all-on-4 procedure?

Once our dentist is satisfied that you are suited to the treatment, the procedure can begin.

You will be given a local anaesthetic to make sure the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

  1. Firstly, the dentist will precisely place four dental implants in your jawbone. Next, the dentist uses a complex system of highly engineered components to attach your new teeth to the implants.
  2. With all-on-4 dentures, you will be given a brand new set of teeth immediately.

Will I need to return to the practice?

Although we will send you home with a new smile in one day, you will need to return to our clinic for a check-up and to fit your long-term definitive teeth. Our dentists will check that your implants have settled as they should and your bespoke smile, designed just for you, will be fitted to the implants.

This second set of teeth are made from stronger, more durable, materials and are precisely fitted to the exact shape and size of your mouth after all healing has occurred. This takes at least 3 months after the teeth in a day procedure.