DDI (Dorset)

Should I get dentures or implants?

We’re located in Poole, BH15 2HN

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Should I get dentures or implants?

This question can only really be answered by you, once you have sat down with a dental professional, and explored the pros and cons of each of these treatments.

Dentures are a less costly treatment option when it comes to replacing teeth, but of course have a number of down sides associated.

Dentures will often feel big, bulky and clumsy to wear, may easily move during function, and may break or even be lost.

Implant treatment would be a more costly and potentially take a longer time to provide you with what you are trying to achieve with respect to your teeth and mouth, but ultimaltely patients have a much higher satisfaction rate with this treatment option.

As dental professionals we are here to advise you on the risks and benefits of each treatment option so that you can make an informed choice on which option is best for you.

We are seeing, however, more and more people chose to have dental implants rather than any other form of tooth replacement, as implant treatment has become extremely predictable, is getting faster, often less invasive, pain free and overall a better way to invest your money in your oral health in relation to other forms of treatment.