DDI (Dorset)

Table of Contents

When it comes to replacing teeth that are missing or damaged, there are several options open to you.

However, one option that provides greater long-term benefits than others is a dental implant.

  1. Matches Your Natural Teeth
  2. Easy to Care For
  3. Prevents Bone Loss
  4. A Permanent Solution to Tooth Loss
  5. Cost-Effective in the Long Term
  6. Restores Bite Force
  7. Prevents Changes in the Shape of your Face
  8. Enables Natural Speech
  9. No Embarrassing Slippage
  10. Supports Adjacent Teeth

Matches Your Natural Teeth

Dental Implants are a bespoke solution, meaning that your dentist and technician will work with you to accurately match the teeth in your mouth. The aim of the game is to make the implant look so natural that no one will know it is there but you and your dentist!

Easy to Care For

You do not need special products to clean or care for your dental implants. There are no cleansing tablets or adhesive. All you need to do is brush and floss, just like your natural teeth. Maintaining a good oral health routine is just as crucial for natural teeth as it is for your implants.

Prevents Bone Loss

When you lose teeth, you tend to lose bone mass in your jaw, this is because your jawbone needs the stimulation it gets from chewing and connecting to maintain bone mass. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that also mimics jaw bone stimulation which helps to prevent bone loss.

A Permanent Solution to Tooth Loss

Other alternatives like dentures and dental bridges will need to be repaired, replaced or altered as time goes by, but dental implants are designed to last for your lifetime. If something unlikely happens, like you lose the dental implant crown, then because we use the Trios 3Shape digital solutions, we can quite easily mill another one for you.

Cost-Effective in the Long Term

Dental implants are a finite, life-long choice. With this in mind, although the initial cost may be more expensive than alternatives, it is a stand-alone cost that should not require various ‘denture ease’ appointments or repairs like other options.

Restores Bite Force

Because dental implants are anchored into your jaw with a titanium post that replaces the tooth root, they allow you to bite with a similar force applied by your natural teeth. Other tooth replacement options sit on top of your gum so they do not provide the same stability for your bite.

Prevents Changes in the Shape of your Face

Your teeth help to support your facial structure – have you ever seen those photos of ‘witches’ with a crooked nose pointing downwards and a chin pointing upwards? Chances are they just lost some teeth and didn’t have access to good dental care! When you lose teeth, you lose that facial support, which eventually means your face will chance shape and appear older. Dental implants provide that much-needed support.

Enables Natural Speech

Some tooth replacement options and missing teeth can impact on your ability to pronounce certain words correctly or give you a lisp. Dental implants feel and function like natural teeth so they help you to speak naturally and form words the way you are used to.

No Embarrassing Slippage

Some patients can feel self-conscious of their dentures because, with all the best will in the world and the most amazing dental technician, a lot of dentures will still move about in your mouth over time. This can cause them to slip out of place when laughing, speaking or eating. Dental implants will never embarrass you as they are firmly supported by your bone.

Supports Adjacent Teeth

A gap in your mouth can cause the teeth on either side to start shifting positions, leading to misalignment or bite problems. Filling the gap as soon as possible should be a priority, and will allow you to maintain a straight smile.

What next?

For more information, please click here to email the practice to make an appointment or call 01202 973300.

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