DDI (Dorset)

How dental implants can change your life

How dental implants can change your life

Loosing teeth

If you have lost a tooth you will know that is a somewhat debilitating experience, and if you have lost multiple or perhaps even all of your teeth, it can be a major impediment to your daily life when it comes to eating, smiling, speaking and kissing.

The biggest report we have form patients who have lost teeth is a lack of confidence on a day to day basis, with many people avoiding all social occasions, avoiding smiling, especially in pictures, avoiding eating in front of others, covering their mouths when they speak, not laughing in front of others, having a guarded smile or even avoiding all unnecessary human contact at all.

All becasuse they have gappy smiles, loose dentures or cannot eat effectively or comfortably. Imagine how this must feel?

Dental implant questions and answersWell of course these damaging feelings can be reversed and eliminated if you can go from a position of constant embarrassment and lack of confidence, to a place where you can feel good about yourself in any social, dining, family or romantic situation.

The positive effect of having a secure, comfortable attractive set of teeth or even just one tooth if its at the front of your mouth, can be immeasureable to those people who find themselves relating to the emotions above.

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